Why men are better than women

Throughout history there have been crazy social movements that have happened. I personally believe that women should be treated with respect, but I'm going to just go out and say what a lot of other people out there are already thinking...

Men are better than women.

Sorry ladies, but it is true. Let me explain why. First we need to examine the reasons why we think any life form is valuable. Because something lives does that automatically give it "equal rights"? Sure some living things deserve that title, but I think the term "equal rights" is a made up term. I call it what it is. A form of moral masturbation that everyone speaks, but doesn't actually believe.

Lets take cockroaches and dogs for an example. You tell people that you stepped on a bunch of cockroaches on purpose and nobody cares. You show them that you killed a dog and people start freaking out. This is because dogs are more valuable lifeforms than cockroaches. What traits do they possess that make dog's better than cockroaches.

1) They are smarter
2) They are bigger
3) They are more human in their behavior

If you think about it, the smarter an animal is the more valuable it is to society. Humans are on the top of the food pyramid not because we're stronger than a bear, but because we are smarter. We are smarter than all life forms, therefore we are more valuable.

Second comes size. Insects are so small that they are pretty much the most worthless of all life forms. If they were smarter than us that would change the whole story and they would be the most valuable. But they're not, so no need to worry about that.

The closer you are to the top organism in the food chain, in this case human, the more valuable as a lifeform you become. Dogs are lovable and likeable by the average human culture therefore they are more valued than most animals.

I don't know everything about what makes a lifeform more or less valuable, but I will say this. You can get a pretty good estimate. It is far better to make an assumption about a lifeform's value then it is to not assume anything at all and pretend we are all equal.

Now to the point of the article. Men are smarter than Women. Men are bigger than Women. Men define human more so than women. Who have been in top in the world of success? Men. Who are the people that whine and bitch about things? Women and minorities. It is because they are of lesser value and everyone knows it. Including them. Have we ever had a women president in the US? No, because they are not intellectually capable or emotionally stable enough to do the job correctly.

Don't get me wrong I believe all life should be respected, but one must understand one's place and value. A lot of people call me terms like "racists" or "bigoted". This is simply regurgitated crap that people mindlessly are taught to say without regard for thinking for themselves.

So where are you men of courage and women? Where are you? Stand up for your superiority by posting in the comment section below. You no longer have to be afraid and pretend to blend in with society. If I could get a woman to comment and second my opinion that would be great as well. I think it shows a great deal of humility to admit that some people are more valuable than you are.


  1. Okay. Straight white male here. Men are better than women? In an objective, who performs better in specific tasks using reason and not social ability, maybe men are a little bit. But that doesn't mean women are less valuable. And definitely not minorities, as their poor performance can be attributed to lack of socioeconomic power to educate themselves and be able to perform well. Sentience is what is highly valued, and women are on par with men there. Dogs and cats exhibit it for sure, but not to the depth we have. Insects of course, exhibit very little. Two strangers are hanging off a cliff and you only have the ability to save one. One's a white man in casual clothing and the other is a black woman. Assuming you have the same chance of saving them, who do you choose? The one you empathize with the most because they are both sentient beings. If you choose based on who is the most presumably productive in that situation, you're probably sociopathic.

  2. I do not agree with you. Just being a President defines success for you? In your language, are there no Women Presidents and Prime Minister you know? Apart from just Presidents, there are millions of other fields where Women today are on the Top. Somehow the environment and the biological cycle for women take her to a stage where she has to manage millions of things on a daily basis. So, does that make them inferior?! They have babies; they have to cook and all the household work management, don’t you remember all of this? They manage their career with all of this. How many men do that? Rather, if you have noticed, mostly men are unable to multitask. And Women excel at that. I am not saying that men don't help. They do, definitely, and a lot. But the women have to put more efforts, if you realize. In most cases, it is the mother who gives more time & attention to the child, apart from the house management as well. They also have a career, they can refuse to, but they dont, because of the love and the attachment. And this emotional attachment comes naturally because they keep baby inside them for so long. Work, home, children, still excelling. You ask your Presidents to take care of all these and then we will discuss. (Just for information, I am not even married)
    And your point regarding bitching, I have seen a lot of guys doing that! Its just a matter of how occupied you keep yourself at your work and are you really doing what you love. In my opinion, a more idle mind, develops a habit of begin interested in what going on in other person’s life and what good and bad they did. So, that can be with anybody.

  3. I believe woman are equal in value to men. But woman do have different responsibilities and paths.

    People complain that there are way too much men in the science field compared to woman. Little do they realize, I could bring the same argument for nursing... The fact is women lean more towards helping others and nurturing children (hence most are nurses, techers, etc.). Men lean more towards facts and strength.

    I believe that a woman has instictive and intuition to care for the young. Men have a hard time at that lol. It's not sexist to say that I believe a woman should care at home.

    I think we fill each other with gaps. Woman have lack of protective instincts and strength; and men don't have that emotional soft spot and care taking. For every field we lack the opposite sex completes us. The world be in chaos without woman and the world would be in chaos without men. We need each other.

  4. Who says women are not smart? You wouldn't have computers without women. I wanna ask every guy who says these things about women if they would ever say it to their moms "Women are dumb and can't drive" would you say that to your own mom?
